The national football team has completed the basic task, just so

Xinhua News Agency, Ayin, UAE, January 20 (reporter Shu Wenwang Haoyu) reversed Thailand. The national football team entered the top eight Asian Cup and basically completed the pre-competition target, but that was the case. There was no joy. After all, the next time facing tough Iran, the National Football exit is a high probability event.

You have to admire Lippi’s on-the-spot scheduling. The decisive substitution against Kyrgyzstan and Thailand reversed the unfavorable situation and fully demonstrated the ability of “Silver Fox” as the world’s top coach. However, it is an embarrassing topic for Chinese football, which “has a higher heart and a thinner life than paper”, to fall into this unfavorable situation.

Just look at Thailand. If there is no background of “615 Tragedies”, it is estimated that Chinese fans can hardly look at Thailand. In Thailand, even the Southeast Asian Championships cannot enter the finals. However, such a Thai team, in the absence of three absolute main forces, still made the expensive Chinese team play that Unorganized in the first half. No wonder the Thai team coach was unconvinced after the game.

Throughout the first half, the Chinese team basically had no formed offensive routine. The so-called attack was Pilling in the middle and back, and then in vain; However, in the defense line, low-level mistakes still existed, including the goal loss. On the whole, it makes people stop.

Our Asian Championship has won the championship, our foreign aid foreign teachers are all world-class, our players’ worth is scared to death, and our capital has entered the football circle crazily…… But our national football team still looks like dying.

The highlight moment of the national football team in recent years should also be counted as the first half of the Asian Cup in 2015, the group match between Linke Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan and North Korea, especially against North Korea, the Chinese team played a rare cooperation and dominant communication control. That is the best half of the national football skills and tactics. Since then, including the World Cup qualifier, Rek Korea, I am afraid that the technical content is not as good as that at that time.

You should know that Zheng Zhi, the captain at that time, was only 34 years old; Today’s captain Zheng Zhi was 38 years old. He is still an irreplaceable figure of the Chinese team.

Looking forward, in the 2004 Asian Cup, the Chinese team won the second place in the local battle, and Zheng Zhi was already on the court at that time.

There is no doubt that this will be Zheng Zhi’s last Asian Cup. The former Asian footballer of the year is estimated to fade out of the national team soon. In addition, Feng xiaiting, Zhan Junmin, Lin Lin, Yu Dabao, Yu Hanchao, Zhao Xuri, Wang Dalei and Xiao Zhi are over 30 years old. Zhang Linqi, Yu Yang, Zhang Chengdong, Wu Xi, Chi Zhongguo, park Cheng also has twenty and nine. Lippi is still feeling, and other young players are still “inexperienced”.

After this Asian Cup, the national football team will definitely enter the stage of reconstruction. Looking at the youthful faces and strong impacts of various Asian giants, How should Chinese football be handled by itself?

January 20, 2019, lunar December 15, great cold.

Han Xu will welcome the first show after joining WNBA and will join the team to face China women’s basketball

As for joining WNBA, Han Xu said, “This is a very rare opportunity in history. I hope to seize this opportunity to influence more Chinese children to love basketball and join the ranks bravely.”

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, May 8th. On the evening of the 9th, the WNBA New York liberalists will play a warm-up match with visiting China women’s basketball. Chinese player Han Xu will play in the No. 21 jersey of the liberalists, this will also be her first show after joining WNBA through the draft.

Han Xu is full of expectation for the competition, saying that “we must go all out”. Han Xu has participated in the team’s three trainings since he went to the United States on May 5th. He quickly adapted to the new environment and was recognized by the coach and teammates. She also likes the good training atmosphere of the team. “The training class feels very noisy, because everyone is always echoing. Everyone has enough training strength, which is 120% training.” Han Xu said.

Han Xu once said in an interview with the domestic media that he hoped to integrate into WNBA as soon as possible, strive for playing time and play the main force. It is reported that Tsai Chongxin, executive vice chairman of Alibaba Group’s board of directors, will watch the game as the boss of the Free Men team.

For joining WNBA, Han Xu said, “This is a very rare opportunity in history. I hope to seize this opportunity and influence more Chinese children to love basketball, and bravely join the ranks.”

Outside the stadium, Han Xu also has to face challenges. She lives in the apartment arranged by the team and makes breakfast every morning, claiming to be “Han chef”. After the training, Han Xu went to the supermarket to purchase and prepare ingredients.

Beijing Winter Olympics emblem commodity Creative Design Competition ended

Report from our correspondent (Reporter Wu Dong) the award-winning works of “I am in the Winter Olympics-my winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games” competition of commodity creative design sponsored by Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee was announced recently, 52 creative design products have become the best in this competition. Han Zirong, secretary general of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, and others presented awards to the winners.

The competition lasted for 5 months from the start of last late July to the end of December. After extensive mobilization, collection of works, expert review and later production evaluation, crowdfunding pre-sale and other stages. Among the award-winning works, designer Geng Shaobo submitted the precious metal commemorative set for the window of Winter Olympics “, 50 works submitted by Zang Xiaoke, such as” winter Olympic sports style fridge sticker set “, won” my emblem product Creative Design Award “. Chen Guo, who is only 13 years old, submitted the highest sales amount in the pre-sale stage of Winter Olympics pencil case in my eyes, reaching 35904 yuan (unit price 51 yuan); the young designer Wang Linghao submitted the “ice and snow top portable natural volatile humidifier” with the highest sales volume at the pre-sale stage, reaching 2261 pieces, the two entries won the “most popular Award for creative design of my emblem products”. At the award ceremony, famous winter athletes Guo Dandan and Zhang Dan shared their unforgettable experiences in their sports career and presented awards to the winners together with Han Zirong and others.

Holding the creative design competition of licensed commodities is the first time in previous Olympic Games and is an innovation in the market development work of Beijing BOCOG. Once the competition was launched, it received wide attention from the Society and received enthusiastic response. The entries also enrich the diversity of licensed commodities for Beijing Winter Olympics, and play a role in promoting winter sports, promoting the participation of the general public and supporting Beijing Winter Olympics.

Park Xuedong, head of market development department of Beijing winter and Olympic organizing committee, said that Beijing winter and Olympic organizing committee would actively promote the continuous sales of winning works. According to different product categories, after the online pre-sale products are shipped, the winning works will be sold in Tmall Olympic official flagship store and Beijing Winter Olympics licensed merchandise physical retail store.

The 10th National Paralympic Games and the 7th Special Olympics will win 8 gold medals.

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, April 13 (Reporter Zhang Zewei) the 10th National Paralympic Games and the 7th Special Olympics, which will officially open in August, took the lead in the track and field marathon competition in Wuqing, Tianjin on the 13th, the gold medals of 8 groups were decided.

This marathon is a full marathon. 79 contestants are divided into 8 groups according to different disability types, including racing wheelchair, hearing disability, standing limb disability, blind person, etc. The contestants overcame difficulties, fought tenaciously and fought bravely, infecting the audience.

Zhang Yong from Shanghai team was the first player in the men’s racing wheelchair group to hit the line. The result was 1 hour at 24 minutes 59 seconds, which was about 10 minutes higher than his usual best result. “This is my first gold medal. I am very happy and thank my coach very much.” Zhang Yong, 28, said.

Zhang Yong began to train racing wheelchairs in 2010. He said that practicing this project and participating in the competition constantly broadened his horizon and honed his will. “Of course, it is not enough to only rely on spiritual will to win the competition, but also pay attention to skills. The racing wheelchair project especially tests the strength of upper limbs. While pursuing speed, the most important thing for players is to try their best to control wheelchair, otherwise they will easily roll over.”

The champion of the women’s racing wheelchair group was won by Zhou Zhaoqian of Hebei team, with a score of 1 hour at 40 minutes 32 seconds.

In the hearing disability group, Huang Guan army of Sichuan team won the first place among men, with a score of 2 hours at 38 minutes 29 seconds, while Yang Chunhua of Sichuan team won the women’s championship with a score of 2 hours at 47 minutes 25 seconds. In the standing disabled group, Li Chaoyan of Yunnan team and Jiang Yunfei of Liaoning team won men’s and women’s gold medals, with scores of 2 hours 34 minutes 22 seconds and 3 hours 11 minutes 13 seconds respectively. In the blind Group, Wang Manyi of the Gansu team and Zheng Jin of the Liaoning team won the men’s and women’s championships, with scores of 2 hours 32 minutes 2 seconds and 3 hours 8 minutes 52 seconds respectively.

Dragon boat fever in Australia”

Xinhua News Agency, Canberra, April 22 (Reporter Yue Dongxing Bai Xu) the dragon boat originated from China is becoming one of the water sports with increasing popularity among the Australian people. From the perspective of the just-concluded Australian National Championship, its positive effect has gone beyond the scope of pure competition.

On the 22nd, the five-day Australian National Dragon Boat Championship ended in Canberra. As Australia’s highest-level dragon boat race, this annual race was founded in 1998 and this year is the 22nd. The event attracted more than 3,000 players from all states and regions in Australia.

“The scale of the competition is expanding every year, and it may increase to 6 days next year,” Christine PRIST, chairman of the Australian Dragon Boat Association, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency on the 22nd.

According to the event organizer, dragon boat sport has become one of the fastest growing water sports since it was introduced into Australia in 1980. Currently, there are about 200 clubs in Australia and about 7500 members. Many towns may become the “home” of a local dragon boat club as long as they have a river or lake that meets the sports conditions “.

Talking about the reason why dragon boats are popular in Australia, PRIST said: “Because it is a community activity and very open, children as young as 12 years old and old as 85 years old, as long as you are healthy enough, you can participate, because it has various levels of events that you can choose from.”

Zhu Zijing, 23 years old this year, has his parents in southern provinces of China. He settled in Australia with his family and has become the leading player of a club in Melbourne. He said that by participating in dragon boats, he could better integrate into the local culture.

“In our team, most of them are Australian. As a Chinese, I can communicate with them more easily through dragon boats. If I don’t participate, I may not realize so many friends.” Zhu Zijing said.

This young man from the University of Melbourne introduced that one of the reasons why dragon boats were popularized in Australia was an organization called “side by side with Dragon” more than 20 years ago (DragonsAbreastAustralia), it has launched an initiative to strengthen physical fitness and feel happy by participating in dragon boat sports, so as to resist the risk of breast cancer and help survivors recover. Therefore, at present, the main participants in Australian dragon boat sports are middle-aged and elderly people.

“Now slowly young people are also involved. For me, the most attractive thing about dragon boats is the team spirit of 20 people working hard for a goal in one boat, which is very rare in water sports.” Zhu Zijing said.

The 57-year-old lady Alyson Barrell is a member of a club in Sydney. She has been involved in dragon boat sports for 6 years.

“Before I retired, I was a police officer. Once I went to Singapore to see the demonstration of dragon boat, and then I took part in it after work. I liked it more and more, and felt a little” addicted.” She said, “because for people in their 50 s, there are not many optional sports.”

“But dragon boat is a way to help you get health and happiness in the middle and late stages of your life. Moreover, Australians like outdoor and water sports. Dragon boats originated from China exactly fit the essence of people’s lifestyle here. Although it is not a mass movement, it is becoming more and more popular.”

In addition to bringing a healthy lifestyle, strengthening community communication and enhancing team spirit, in PRIST’s view, dragon boat can also play a bridge role in international exchanges.

“China is the home of dragon boats. We respect the history and tradition behind the sport. For example, before the Australian national championship, we will also hold some ceremonies such as finishing wishes and dragon and lion dances.” The chairman of the Australian Dragon Boat Association said.

“Dragon boats let us know more about Chinese culture. Not only Australia, it is also becoming more and more popular in Asia. Moreover, it makes everyone understand that we are all friends on this planet.”