Zheng Yuyin involved in the referee from the Moroccan Chinese team call for an apology

Xinhua News Agency, Manchester, May 19 (Reporter Prince Jiang) the reporter learned from many channels on the 19th that the referee who made an unfair judgment against Zheng Yuyin at the taekwondo world championship on the 17th came from Morocco, after that match, he returned home in advance. The Chinese team has already imposed unfair penalties to appeal to the World Taekwondo Federation and hopes to get an apology from the referee.

It is understood that the Moroccan referee, whose name is Tariq benlardi, has participated in law enforcement in many world competitions. He was elected the best referee of the year in the World Taekwondo Federation in 2015, and was named one of the five best referees by the World Federation of champions in the 2017 World Championships.

According to an insider who did not want to be named, after the match on the 17th, everyone never saw him again, and later they knew that he had left the world championship ahead of time.

Xinhua News Agency reporter tried to get in touch with Ben Lardy through his social media account, and privately wrote him to express his interview request, but until the time of publication, Ben Lardy never replied.

His only information about the world championships on his personal account was released the day before the start of the tournament, and it was a personal photo in the center of the stadium and a group photo with other coaches during training.

Guan Jianmin, head coach of the Chinese team and chairman of the Chinese Taekwondo Association, told the reporter that the Chinese team had already made a complaint to the World Taekwondo Federation unfairly. There are two requirements for the appeal: The first is to ask for a revision; The second, the referee was requested to be banned for life.

Guan Jianmin said that the requirement to ban Ben Lardi for life was mainly because his problem was not “mistake”, “he overturned the whole fair competition environment”.

Guan Jianmin also said, “his behavior is very bad, which is unfair to the whole taekwondo project, not just to Chinese athletes.” He said: “This game has nothing to do with winning or losing. The key is that he overturned the referee rules. This is the biggest problem.”

“I hope the World Federation can give us a fair answer.” He said.

Guan Jianmin said that it didn’t take too long to finish the appeal procedure, but the result would definitely come out after the World Championship.

He also said: “Of course, we also hope that he can apologize to us. Apology is a psychological comfort to us. But the game is over. Winning or losing is not important to us. What matters is that we have to make a sound. The game must be fair, fair and open.

Guoan Shengheng’s eight-round unbeaten to create a legend, and Huaxia’s two goals defeated the bottom of Jinan League

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, May 4 (reporter Yang Fan) on the 4th, the eighth round of the 2019 Chinese Super League ushered in 4 matches. In the battle to the top, Beijing Guoan 1:0 like Guangzhou Evergrande, 8 rounds of unbeaten legend. Hebei Huaxia happiness 0:2 was cut off by Shandong Luneng and ranked the last in the standings. Achimpeng’s highlight performance helped Tianjin Teda take 1 point away from Wuhan Zall. Guangzhou Fuli, who also fought away from home, was dumb when facing Shanghai’s Shanggang, and 0:2 failed to defend the champion.

In the focus battle of the day, Tianhe Stadium, Guangzhou Evergrande, took a 7-game winning streak against Beijing Zhonghe Guoan. Evergrande besieged many times in front of Guoan in the first half, but it could not form a real threat. In the 18th minute, Guoan opened corner, and Biera blocked the ball into Evergrande goal. After communicating with VAR, the referee decided that the goal was invalid and offside was in the first place.

The only goal in the game was born in the 64th minute. Biera and Augusto cooperated continuously in the penalty area. Facing four defenders of Evergrande, Biera pushed his right foot into the net. Finally Evergrande won’t defeat Guoan at Home 0:1. After winning the summit, Guoan expanded the first game to 8 consecutive rounds, with 24 points leading Shanghai Shanggang by 5 points and Guangzhou Evergrande by 6 points.

Hebei Huaxia happiness, which has been in a low state recently, faces Luneng Taishan Mountain in Shandong province on the road. Luck can be said to be as low as freezing point. Luneng foreign aid pellet lived up to expectations and killed the match twice in the first half. After this battle, Luneng had already achieved the fourth victory in the Fourth World War in the third-line operations of the Asian crown, the Super League and the Football League Cup. In the past, “Dark Horse” Huaxia was at the end of upper layer in the standings.

Before the start of this round, the 6th battle of the Junior League won only 1 win, and the standings were at the end of Wuhan Zall. In the 26th minute of the first half, TEDA foreign aid Achim Peng presented a performance of continuous breakthrough, cycling and hitting the door at a small angle. This goal also became the 1000th goal on Teda young pioneer team history. However, fortunately, Liu Yun equalized the score in just 10 seconds at the beginning of the second half of Dreher, and the two sides finally shook hands at 1:1.

The two attacking teams of Shanggang and Fuli met on the same day, but they did not bring the imaginary attack war. The two goals of the whole game were born in the second half. First, Li Shenglong, who went to Hong Kong as a substitute, scored the goal and then went outside the penalty area Hulk, he scored a precious goal in the 100th match he played on behalf of the club. After home 2:0 Rick Fuli, he went to Hong Kong and won two consecutive victories in the Chinese Super League.

Greezman announced to leave Atletico Madrid: worth 0.12 billion next stop Barcelona?

“I have made a decision that I will leave here to try something else and find new challenges. It is very difficult for me to choose this path, but it is really what I want in my heart.”

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, May 14 (Xie Yuzhi) Spanish Atletico Madrid forward greezman confirmed on the 14th that he would leave Atletico Madrid after the end of this season.

Glezman announced the news through a video released by Atletico Madrid’s official social media account. He said: “I have made a decision. I will leave here to try something else and find new challenges. It is very difficult for me to choose this path, but it is really what I want in my heart.”

According to Spanish media, greezman had met with coach Simone and club executives that afternoon and informed them of the decision, but did not disclose his whereabouts. Just a few days ago, Simone still said at the press conference that he was confident to keep the French striker.

In the farewell video, grizzman did not forget to thank Atletico Madrid fans for their support over the years. He called the past five years “incredible five years”: “Here I won the first few trophies and some important club honors in my life. These are wonderful moments that I will remember all my life. I will always take you to heart.”

Grezeman joined Atletico Madrid in the summer of 2014. In the past five seasons, he has played 256 games for Atletico Madrid, scoring 133 goals, and won a European Cup, a European Super Cup and a Spanish Super Cup with the team. He is also the fifth-plus scorer in Atletico Madrid Young Pioneer team history.

After renewing the contract with the team to 2023 last summer, greezman’s contract liquidated damages also increased to 0.2 billion euros, but after July 1 this year, the number would drop to 0.12 billion. If a team pays the liquidated damages for the French, Atletico Madrid will get 80% of the total amount, and the other 20% will be transferred to greezman’s former club Royal Society.

At present, Western media believe that greezman’s next destination may be La Liga Barcelona. As early as last summer, Catalonia giants tried to introduce the French striker, but they failed to do so at that time. In addition, France club Paris Saint Germain and Premier League team Manchester United may join the French competition.

City Football Group and other three parties jointly acquired Zhongyi Sichuan Jiuniu

Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, February 20 (reporter Li Hualiang, Xue Chen) on the 20th, you must choose Science and Technology, City Football Group and China jianteng sports industry fund held a press conference in Chengdu, Sichuan province, announced the joint acquisition of China-B Sichuan Jiuniu football club.

City Football Group holds a number of football clubs including Manchester City in the Premier League. “Sichuan is a place with a long history and beauty. This place deserves an excellent professional team. We will not only invest money, but also develop youth training in Sichuan Jiuniu, just like developing youth training in Manchester City. We hope to make Sichuan Jiuniu a unique team and step by step to the top league.” City Football Group CEO Feran Soriano said.

It is reported that you must choose Technology was founded in 2012, is a high-tech enterprise integrating artificial intelligence and service robot research and development, platform software development and application and product sales. Zhou Jian, CEO of Youbi technology, said that he believed that the new AI technology would further promote the development of the football industry and would make every effort to build a sustainable new football industry ecosystem, in order to make Sichuan Jiuniu a 100-year club dream.

Sichuan Jiuniu Football Club has entered the big list of China B in 2018 season, and finally ranked 24th. In the FA Cup in 2018, Sichuan Jiuniu performed well and became the first Chinese team to win the top eight in the history of the FA Cup.

Real Madrid and German midfield cross renewed to 2023

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, May 20 (Xie Yuzhi) Real Madrid club announced on the 20th that it would renew its contract with midfield star cross until 2023.

Real Madrid said in the announcement that the club had signed a contract with German midfield cross to extend the contract period of the latter by one year to June 30, 2023. At that time, cross will be 33 years old.

Bhattagno, director of Real Madrid’s public relations department, congratulated cross at the press conference that day. He said: “In five years, you have won 12 trophies, won the love and respect of Madrid fans, and become a player of great importance to the team. We are glad that your contract with us has been extended for another year.”

Cross said that it was “very special” for himself to be able to complete the renewal at this time “. “Since the first day, I have been full of trust in the club, and so have the club. We will move forward together to achieve more success.” He also revealed that he was trusted by Zidane: “I am very happy that he is satisfied with me. If the coach didn’t want me, we wouldn’t be here today.”

Looking back at the bad season just ended, Cross admitted that his performance this season was not ideal. He also pointed out that the whole team “no player has reached his peak as in previous years”, “when such a situation occurs to so many players, it is difficult to win success”. But he also said: “Such a season will give you more motivation when facing next season.”

Cross joined Real Madrid in the summer of 2014. Over the past five years, as one of the core players in the team’s midfield, he has won three Champions League, one League trophy, three European Super Cup, one Spanish Super Cup and four World Club Cups with Real Madrid.

Those involved in refusing violence in the stadium and violating the discipline of “Minnan Cup” were punished for suspension.

On the 19th, in response to the stadium violence in the last round of the Minnan Cup Football Championship, the provincial Football Association quickly issued a strict ticket to rectify the discipline of the stadium.

In the match held on the 18th, Quanzhou acceleration Qinggong football team and Xiamen Lianchuang century football team caused controversy due to a foul tackle. The players and bench personnel on both sides gathered and conflicted for 2 minutes, and caused the game to be interrupted for about 19 minutes. On that day, related short videos were widely spread on the Internet, causing a series of negative effects.

It is understood that after the game ended on the spot, the provincial football association convened members of the Provincial Football Association disciplinary committee to study the referee report on the spot, the game supervision report and the game conflict video at the first time. On the evening of 19th, Fujian Football Association released the investigation results and punishment decisions on this game: according to the relevant provisions of the disciplinary guidelines of China Football Association, the two clubs involved were disqualified from participating in the Fujian Football Association’s hosting or selection events within 12 months, and the relevant personnel involved were punished with suspension penalties ranging from 2 years to 6 months.

The secretary general of the Provincial Football Association, Yuan Zhihui, said that the Provincial Football Association insists on a zero tolerance attitude towards any violation of discipline and discipline, and last year, the “Notice on Further Strengthening the education and management of the Gypsy style competition discipline of amateur events at all levels in Fujian province” was issued. The discipline committee of the Provincial Football Association will follow the principles of seeking truth from facts, serious investigation and serious handling, resolutely in accordance with the requirements of “discipline standards of China Football Association” and “Notice on Further Strengthening the Gypsy style competition discipline education and management work of amateur events at all levels in Fujian province”, seriously deal with it and never tolerate it.

The former Zhihui said that the football practitioners in the whole province should cherish the good environment of the current football reform and development, respect the rules, respect the referee, respect the opponents, respect the fans, and put an end to any sacrifice of the football order, violation of football rules and violations against social public order and good customs. (Reporter Xiao Rong)